Selecting "Run" enters the AdaMo operating settings, where all the logical channels, automations, graphical interface, data saving and all the previously described and configured are available.
It’s immediately asked to choose (or confirm) the criteria for saving data (files and modes).
In this image we see an example of how this environment can present itself in a complex configuration.
If multiple monitors are
connected to the computer, it’s useful to distribute and size the windows to
maximize the effectiveness of the graphical interface.
This image shows an example of the third window ("D3") of the Native Desktops.
Buttons, LEDs, numerical
indicators, "clock" ("gauge") and thermometer are used.
In this image we see an example of the second window ("D2") of the Native Desktops.
Buttons and LEDs are used.
In this image we see an example of the fifth window ("D5") of the Native Desktops.
Buttons, LEDs, numerical and thermometer indicators, indicators and controls for text strings are used.
In this image you can see the Alarm management window.
In particular, the "Default.alr" configuration is loaded and two alarms are active, violations of which are described.
Any additional configuration can be loaded manually or from Sequence ("Cycle") using the dedicated selector.
The LEDs show the activation status of "Pre" and "Post" for the History.
If you wish to disable the Alarms, a specific password is required, in the absence of which the Alarms remain active.
It’s also possible to enable and disable (without password) Alarms by "GEN" Action (advanced function).
Each time an Alarm condition is added, this window is automatically brought to the foreground and flashes red, while it flashes yellow if the violations listed are all just Pre-alarms.
In this image we see the Sequence management window.
The sequence "Test_01.prv" is loaded, consisting of four pages of which the first, called "Init", is executing the Action "01 - Init.GEN.act" available in the "Sequence" subfolder.
The duration time of each page of the Sequence is available.
It’s possible to put the Sequence in "Pause" and resume it either from the same page (choosing whether to continue it or start it again) or from another page ("Skip"); these events trigger the eventual "GEN" Actions associated with them.
It’s possible to terminate the Sequence ("Terminate"), after confirmation, triggering the eventual "GEN" Action combined with this event.
In this image you can see the "Console" window in which to manage:
Enlarging and eventually scrolling the "Console" window all the currently active logical channels become visible; it’s a read-only mode and shows the entire input and output stream of all continuously updated channels.
In this image we can see the "Console" window enlarged to show the active logical channels.
Only part of it is shown here, but they are all reachable by moving with the scroll bars.
In this image you can see the
management window of the special channels "A" and "B"
configured in "Setting".
Selectors are available to choose the modalities, i.e. the full scale, slide bar and numerical controls to set the values, commands to activate or block any PID controls (advanced function).
At the bottom it’s possible to see (not in this example) the name and the page of the eventual "GEN" Action currently being executed; if the box to the right of the page number is black, it means that the Action is running with high priority.
By enlarging this window, they become visible:
This picture shows the area dedicated to defining the parameters of the PID controls with a predictor (advanced function).
In this image we can see the area dedicated to displaying and executing the profiles.
The Profile can be loaded, unleashed, put or removed from the Pause, terminated either manually or by "GEN" Action.
By putting the Profile in Pause, using the two vertical arrows next to the table it’s possible to move in a different step from which to resume exiting the Pause.
In the graph the current time position in the Profile is indicated by a vertical cursor; in the table the two lines of the step-in execution are highlighted.
The "Profile Time" is non-zero only during the execution of the Profile; since its value is available as a system channel, it’s possible to synchronize the pages of a "GEN" Action to the dynamics of the Profile.
This picture shows the "Report" window for managing the data saved in the file; this can be re-read by showing the contents in tabular form and the individual channels can be statically displayed in single-channel graphs (one at a time) or in multi-channel and multi-scale graphs (up to 5 graphs at the same time).
In this environment, up to 5 multi-channel and multi-scale dynamic graphs can also be configured, fed continuously by current data regardless of whether a save is active or not.
These graphs can be opened manually (yellow buttons for the static and green for the dynamic ones) or by means of the "GEN" action.
The graphs are resizable and the frequency of their updating can be changed, favoring the dynamics or the temporal depth of the visualization.
In this image we can see an example of a multi-channel and multi-scale dynamic graph.
Next to the name of each channel the current numerical value is shown.
For each channel it is possible to define color, thickness, type of curve and type of points; the two Y axes (with or without "auto scale") and the X axis (number of samples or another logical channel) can also be customized.