ICPC 2019 – 2.3  Development and testing of an innovative gas engine for heavy duty applications

Copyright © 2019 FPT Industrial, AVL List GmbH and SAE International


Stefano Golini, David D’amato, Sergio Giordana, Paolo, Grosso, Diego Iudice (FPT Industrial)

 Anton Arnberger, Gernot Hasenbichler (AVL List GmbH)
Davide PAREDI (Politecnico di Milano)
Peter Grabner (TUG)


The need to drastically reduce GHG emission in the next decade will deeply change the technological solutions employed for long haul transportation. Several alternatives are possible and, among them, natural gas engines have proved a reliable and efficient way to curb GHG emission.

FPT Industrial is currently the European leader in the production of NG engines and joined the research project HDGAS (co-funded by the EU), aimed at the development of NG powertrains for the 2020s, to offer NG engines with increased fuel efficiency.

This paper describes the challenges encountered during the development of the HDGAS engine and presents results of the simulations and testing performed during the project.

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