• ICPC 2019 – 2.3  Development and testing of an innovative gas engine for heavy duty applications

The need to drastically reduce GHG emission in the next decade will deeply change the technological solutions employed for long haul transportation. Several alternatives are possible and, among them, natural gas engines have proved a reliable and efficient way to curb GHG emission.

  • Validation of Test Results for Activities in the Engine Test Room with Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

NI products are a reference in terms of measurement and control, but a  further and even more important quality of the system
AdaMo is hardware and software modularity, which makes it a very valid tool for research activities, not only in the automotive sector.

  • Re-engineering AdaMo Engine Test Benches

Improvements to the quality of life of AdaMo and its integration with test benches, allowing for a standardization of foundamental channels, names,numbers and ordering of costants.

  • AdaMo gives new life to the test bench: renew without waste, passing from obsolete to best-in-class

AdaMo system, based on scalable Real-Time/FPGA NI CompactRIO platform, allows to meet specific requirements of each renewal, considering previous settings, performances and integrating necessary evolutions.

  • Road simulator on rotating rollers for real fatigue testing of mechanical components in buses, trucks and trailers

Develop an architecture based on an NI PXI Real-Time node, three NI CompactRIO nodes and a computer with OS Windows, minimizing cabling and locating intelligence.

  • Measurement and analysis of electric power on board hybrid and electric vehicles at the Joint Research Center (Ispra - Italy)

Setting up NI CompactRIO-9068 with specific hardware modules, develops and integrates software components (Windows, Real-Time and FPGA) for synchronous acquisition from various data sources.

  • CAN bus parameter converter of vehicles with analogue signals for tests on roller benches

NI Single-Board RIO embedded system creates an autonomous device, able to identify the type of CAN traffic, intercept/decode chosen parameters, generate corresponding analog signals.

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